Working together for your better future!

If you’re ready to level up your career, then you’ve come to the right place! Hello, my friend. I’m Nigel. I went from a 9-to-5 job in the corporate world to running a thriving business that gives me the financial freedom and flexible lifestyle I’ve always craved. Best of all, I get to help people like yourself achieve their own career dreams each and every day, I am so grateful.

Coaching with Nigel

As a certified success coach specializing in the Power of your Thinking and business results guidance, I specialize in getting people unstuck and results that stick. After completing Marie Forleo’s B-School, I attended a certification program on the way that we think and how it effects our results with the Proctor Gallagher Institute, where I was mentored by Bob Proctor. I have a background in spiritual-based coaching, digital marketing, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, and Thinking into Results, plus as a Soccer coach and referee I'm used to staying calm under pressure. I studied my MBA at Warwick Business School in the UK. This combination of skills lets me personalize our coaching sessions for long-lasting results both from a business and lifestyle perspective.

I offer private, one-on-one sessions with my clients either in-person or via Zoom. All information is kept strictly confidential during our sessions. All clients receive a 100% customized work plan, a step-by-step checklist of action items, accountability from yours truly, monthly coaching calls, follow-up emails, and so much more.

In the past, I’ve helped clients with career topics including:

  • Changing your Thinking to get what you want

  • Charging what you’re worth

  • Starting and creating a business

  • Changing mindsets about money

  • Getting your first freelancing clients

  • Simplifying Your Digital Marketing

  • Streamling your operational systems

  • Using automation and AI Technologies for business productivity

  • Negotiating a pay raise

  • Applying for a big promotion

  • Changing jobs, industries, or careers

  • Getting more focused and improving performance at work

  • Quitting your 9-to-5 job

  • Balancing a career with parenthood, school, or other personal obligations

  • …and so much more!

Sign Up for Coaching Today

For a limited time, I’ll be opening my schedule to new coaching clients this year. You can get in touch on my Contact page. I offer private coaching programs to meet every budget, and your initial consultation is always complimentary. 

I sincerely can’t wait to work with you.

Dedicated to your success,



What I live for and how I can be useful to you

Start your journey with me and see the difference in your mental activity in days.

My life

Born in England and later relocating to the USA, I've gained unique insights into vastly diverse communities. My global work experience equips me with an international outlook, enriching your organization with a broader perspective.


I am a certified in thinking into results and success consultant. Mentored by one of the best thought coaches in the world. I'm a certified PGI Consultant, business startup coach, digital marketer, speaker and digital strategy specialist.

Fast Coaching

I will guide you through 12 extraordinary lessons that will transform your "Thinking Into Results" at rapid speed.

My hobbies

I am a dynamic, curious and creative individual who isn’t afraid to take risks. I love to travel & extremely passionate about helping people of all ages to achieve their dreams.

Coach and business coach

I have dedicated my life to learning what makes humans tick. I devote myself to studies, researches and I read everything I can, and I'm committed to sharing these valuable insights with my clients.

My Programs

Online learning is a transformative tool for individuals and leaders in various organizations. My programs are designed to invigorate clients and broaden their perspectives, unveiling the vast array of opportunities available to them.

Office: Chesterfield, MO, 63017

Call 314-915-3356

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